About Dementia

Learn about the different types of memory diseases we specialize in at ProTem.

Early Onset Dementia

If you’re under 65, and you’re finding you walk into a room and forget why you’re there, and don’t remember where you left your glasses, don’t panic. A large percentage of people over 40 can say the same thing. Just get a chain and wear those glasses around your neck!


Early Onset Dementia symptoms

On the other hand, if you’re between 30 and 64, and are finding it hard to make decisions, and struggle to communicate with friends and family, it might be worthwhile to see your doctor. It’s possible you’re experiencing symptoms of Early Onset Dementia.

Do you get lost more than you used to?

Or maybe there are moments when you suddenly can’t remember where you are or what you’re doing.

None of these things by itself need cause you worry.

But, if you’re noticing symptoms like these more and more often, and the types of symptoms such as those mentioned are collecting in your daily life, it’s worthwhile to see your doctor.

Dementia causes your ability to make decisions, remember, and focus to decline. After a while, it’s not just the right word you’re searching for, but rather the whole sentence. Then it’s the whole idea. As communicating your thoughts becomes a greater and greater challenge, other symptoms may appear.


Take a look at these signs and symptoms of early-onset dementia…see if anything rings a bell…

  • Changes in your mood are not uncommon. If that’s not something you can see in yourself, those around you who love you are likely to notice it.
  • Others may also notice changes in your personality. Like the once-reserved introvert that you might have been shifts to someone talkative and outgoing now. This happens because your inhibitions have been impaired…
  • There are other signs you may notice in yourself, or others may notice about you. Feeling listless, disinterested in things you used to enjoy, just feeling sort of apathetic, and not caring about much of anything.
  • Maybe going out with friends just doesn’t sound fun anymore, and you’d rather stay home …. All the time. Maybe there’s nothing at home that’s any fun either.
  • And about that focus thing… is it hard to finish a salad you started making for supper? Do you find you don’t really know what to do next after you cut the tomatoes? Or maybe you just wander off, forgetting what you were doing altogether.
  • And this next thing is similar. Remember when you enjoyed talking with friends, listening to their jokes, adding your own silly remarks in the fun and everyone laughing together?

Do you still enjoy those times? If so, that’s really great news!

But, if your answer is no..that you don’t enjoy them because it’s hard to keep up with what the others are saying…. Or even what they mean…

• Or if you watch TV and you feel confused, because you can’t figure out what’s going on, or why… not just once but often….

This, combined with some of these other symptoms, may be a sign you need to see your doctor, and possibly begin treatment.

If this is dementia…

Dementia, no matter what its cause, tends to include symptoms like these. It’s really helpful if you can confide in someone in your life that you trust and feel comfortable with.

Because if several of these symptoms are developing and increasing at the same time, you may not be able to see it in yourself. It’s important that you have someone helping so you’re safe and have access to the care you need.

Do you find that people tell you that you say something you’ve said before, over and over…? Or maybe you dress, undress, dress, and undress again. Or shave over and over.

The reason you do these things is because your memory isn’t working properly. So you don’t realize you already said it, or shaved, or dressed.

And because of all these things, it’s important to seek your doctor’s evaluation.

Your doctor can provide a series of tests for your mental and memory function, a thorough neurological exam, blood work, and brain imaging tests.

This will help him or her to evaluate whether you’re suffering from early onset dementia or one of a variety of other conditions that could cause similar symptoms.

No matter what, see your doctor. Early onset dementia isn’t curable, but it is treatable. Symptoms can be slowed and you can maintain your mental function longer with medications, cognitive training, and therapy.

One last thing. Once you’ve been experiencing these troubling symptoms for awhile, it can upset your sense of confidence in life and your surroundings. You may prefer to just stay put and not change anything, in hopes of feeling secure. As a result, major changes in your life can be scary.

Even so, try to trust the people around you who love you and want to help you stay safe.

This is written to someone with the symptoms of Early Onset Dementia, who hasn’t been diagnosed.

If you know someone who exhibits these signs, help them find medical attention, preferably with a doctor who knows them.

And don’t hesitate to call us, and talk through your concerns. The time to plan for care for someone with these symptoms is when the symptoms become noticeable. This allows time for gathering information and making the best decisions for everyone.

We’re here to help in any way we can. We’ve seen so many different situations like yours, and just might be able to answer your questions to your satisfaction. And even if we don’t know the answer, we’ll direct you to someone who does.

Call 506.874.9652 or email now here.

ProTem Health Services in Moncton, NB

Contact Us

Visit us at:
71 Gorge Road
Moncton, NB E1G 1E5

Mailing address:
Box 4-120, 331 Elmwood Drive
Moncton, NB E1A 1X6

Telephone: 506.874.9652

Our five small homes are located in the Mapleton area of Moncton.

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